On the Road Tour-The Autumn Garden
Join the WSU Extension Clark County Master Gardener program for an on-the-road- tour and leave the driving to us! Featuring plants for your late summer and fall garden, our first stop is Al’s Garden Center in Woodburn, where we will learn about favorite fall plants plus Al’s specialty plant, the mountain laurel. This North American shrub has many special characteristics, including bell-shaped flowers with fused petals that resemble origami rice bowls. It's a fantastic pollinator plant as well.
Garden World in Hubbard is the next stop. They have ten acres of plants and trees, including many unique varieties. The focus here will be Japanese Maples. Lunch is at the Backstop Bar & Grill in Canby, OR (note: lunch is not included in the tour cost).
Our last stop will be at Swan Island Dahlias where they are celebrating their August-September Festival. You can stroll through almost forty acres of dahlias featuring over 370 varieties or just visit their display garden. Pick out your favorite dahlias for spring delivery. There will also be food carts, live music, and a gift shop through which to stroll.
Cost: $35.
Registration required by August 16th at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/971130065167?aff=oddtdtcreator. Contact: erika.d.johnson@wsu.edu or (564) 397-5738. For more info about our workshops/events: http://extension.wsu.edu/clark/gardening/workshops-events/.