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It is Time to Compost Halloween Pumpkins!

It is Time to Compost Halloween Pumpkins!

May 2024 ‍

Hello ,


Are you wondering what to do with your pumpkins after Halloween?


Instead of tossing them in the garbage, compost pumpkins to reduce food waste and create nutrient-rich soil!🎃🌎


Did you know that after Halloween about 60% of purchased pumpkins end up in landfills? When organic materials like pumpkins decompose in landfills, they produce methane gas, a harmful greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change. 


Clark County residents can place pumpkins in yard debris carts for composting. 


Don't have a yard debris cart? There are many other sustainable disposal options for this year's jack-o-lanterns! Learn how to dispose of your pumpkins after Halloween. 


By composting pumpkins, you divert organic material from landfills, help build healthy soil and contribute to building a more sustainable and eco-friendly community.