Green Blog
Serve as an AmeriCorps for Clark County Green Neighbors
Clark County Green Neighbors is seeking AmeriCorps applicants for Fall 2022!
The Clark County Green Neighbors program provides tools and resources for residents to build sustainable habits that also benefits the environment. Priority education topics include recycling contamination, household hazardous waste and food waste prevention. This position will be tasked with assisting the Green Neighbors program with projects such as the WasteBusters waste reduction challenge, food waste prevention pilots, Pacific Park community gardens and natural demonstration gardens and the Natural Garden Tour.
Brittany Smith, the 2021-2022 Clark County Green Neighbors AmeriCorps Volunteer states that "My time serving with Clark County Green Neighbors has allowed me to strengthen my event planning and communication skills and deepen my knowledge about sustainability and community building. My favorite event to plan was the Natural Garden Tour because I got to visit home gardens in Clark County and engage with residents about natural gardening techniques and native plants. I am grateful to have worked with and served a community that is passionate about sustainability and the environment."
Position Duties
The new AmeriCorps member will serve Clark County residents by leading projects to educate on various sustainability topics. The member will develop the framework to execute the WasteBusters challenge, Natural Garden Tour and other small events and workshops. In addition, the member will present to groups and table at events to promote the program; create communication plans to publicize events; address questions and concerns via phone and email; recruit, train and oversee volunteers at the demonstration gardens; and write blog posts, news releases and social media content.
Position Details
- Term Start/End Date - 09/16/2022 to 07/31/2023
- Program Benefits: Health Coverage, Education award upon successful completion of service, Training, Childcare assistance if eligible, Stipend
Interviews will be conducted in July – apply today!
Learn more about other positions available with our team!
Clark County Green Business AmeriCorps
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If you have questions about the role or application process, please contact