July 2024
Monday, July 8
Recycle U Class: Recycling 101 and Optional Organics 101
Monday, July 8 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
The link below is to our Microsoft Form to sign up for RecycleU classes.
The link to our RecycleU, free classes is below. There are bios for each of the classes on the page.
Tuesday, July 9
Litter Cleanup Event: Marine Park Beach
Tuesday, July 9 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Volunteer to pick up litter from the beaches around Marine Park and prevent litter from entering the Columbia River. All tools will be provided. Expect to walk 1.5 miles on uneven terrain, sandy and muddy beach areas. Sign up today: https://www.cityofvancouver.us/events/litter-cleanup-event-marine-park-beach/
Learn more about the City’s Litter Stewards Program and connect with us for additional questions, litterstewards@cityofvancouver.us.
Saturday, July 13
Tomato Pruning Workshop- July 13
Saturday, July 13 9:00 am - 11:30 am
You prune your fruit trees and your shrubs, but should you prune your tomato plants? Join WSU Clark County Extension Master Gardeners for a hands-on training on tomato pruning. This workshop will clarify which types of tomato plants need pruning and will provide instruction on when and how to prune. The class is conducted entirely in the field. Please wear appropriate shoes and clothing. Bring bypass hand pruners; participants will work in small groups receiving hands-on instruction on pruning techniques. Dress for the weather and bring water. .Specific location provided upon registration. Cost: $5. Accessing the site requires a short walk on uneven ground. Those with mobility issues may drive. Register at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/tomato-pruning-workshop-tickets-926133037847. Contact: erika.d.johnson@wsu.edu / 564-397-5738. Visit us online at https://extension.wsu.edu/clark/community-education/workshops-events/.
Water Center Garden Cleanup
Saturday, July 13 9:30 am - 11:30 am
Join Water Center staff outdoors to help keep our Backyard Habitat Certified gardens in tip-top shape. Volunteer activities may include weeding, mulching, trimming and raking pathways. All necessary tools will be provided.
Registration is required. Sign up today: https://www.cityofvancouver.us/events/water-center-garden-cleanup-8/
All ages are welcome. Youth under 18 must bring a signed minor consent form. Youth under 13 must have an adult guardian present.
If this event becomes full since space is limited and you see that registrations are no longer being accepted, please use the contact email below to add your name to the waitlist.
Contact: Water Center staff at vanwrec@cityofvancouver.us or 360-487-7111
Sunday, July 14
Art in the Garden
Sunday, July 14 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Stroll around beautiful gardens and enjoy nature with a sprinkling of art intertwined! Artists will be displaying and selling their creations at the Art in the Garden event July 14th from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm at NatureScaping’s Wildlife Botanical Gardens, 11000 NE 149th Street, Brush Prairie, Washington. This is a family friendly event, there is no entrance fee, and all artists will have their own style and prices.There will be music and yarn spinning demonstrations as well. There is a Clark County Composter Recycling Demonstration area ready to answer all of your compost and other questions.
Wednesday, July 17
Garlic Growing Workshop- July 17
Wednesday, July 17 9:00 am - 11:00 am
Who doesn't love cooking with garlic?! If you're a gardener and you're not already growing it - why not? Garlic is one of the easiest and most satisfying vegetables to grow and there are many unique varieties you can only get by growing it yourself. Join WSU Extension Clark County Master Gardeners for a hands-on training on growing garlic. Topics will include choosing which type to grow (hard neck or soft neck) and when to plant, as well as tips for fertilizing and irrigation, when to harvest and how to cure and store it. The class is conducted entirely in the field. Please wear appropriate shoes and clothing. Each participant will take home a clove with instructions on planting for next spring. Dress for the weather and bring water. Wednesday, . Specific location provided upon registration. Cost: $5. Accessing the site requires short walk on uneven ground. Those with mobility issues may drive. Registerat https://www.eventbrite.com/e/garlic-growing-workshop-tickets-926128484227. Contact: erika.d.johnson@wsu.edu / 564-397-5738. Visit us online at https://extension.wsu.edu/clark/community-education/workshops-events/.
Guided Tours at Columbia Springs
Wednesday, July 17 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Join us for a Guided Tour of Columbia Springs.
Have you ever wondered how old the fish are out in our round ponds, or what wildlife can be found around our site? Learn about all that Columbia Springs has to offer during one of our guided tours!
Let us know you’re coming in advance by emailing apryl@columbiasprings.org. We will meet at 5:30pm. Wear good walking shoes and dress for the weather!
Questions? Contact Kristine at events@columbiasprings.org or 360-882-0936 x 230
Saturday, July 20
Garlic Growing Workshop-July 20
Saturday, July 20 9:00 am - 11:00 am
In-person, hands on. Who doesn't love cooking with garlic?! If you're a gardener and you're not already growing it - why not? Garlic is one of the easiest and most satisfying vegetables to grow and there are many unique varieties you can only get by growing it yourself. Join WSU Extension Clark County Master Gardeners for a hands-on training on growing garlic. Topics will include choosing which type to grow (hard neck or soft neck) and when to plant, as well as tips for fertilizing and irrigation, when to harvest and how to cure and store it. The class is conducted entirely in the field. Please wear appropriate shoes and clothing. Each participant will take home a clove with instructions on planting for next spring. Dress for the weather and bring water. 9 to 11am. Vancouver (Hazel Dell). Specific location provided upon registration. Cost: $5. Accessing the site requires short walk on uneven ground. Those with mobility issues may drive. Register at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/926130028847?aff=oddtdtcreator. Contact: erika.d.johnson@wsu.edu / 564-397-5738. Visit us online at https://extension.wsu.edu/clark/community-education/workshops-events/.
Thursday, July 25
On the Road Tour-Drought Tolerant Delights-July 25
Thursday, July 25 8:45 am - 4:30 pm
Saturday, July 27
Beach Cleanup at Marine Park
Saturday, July 27 8:00 am - 10:00 am
Registration is required. Sign up today: https://www.cityofvancouver.us/events/beach-cleanup-at-marine-park-4/
All ages welcome. Youth under 18 must bring a signed minor consent form. Youth under 13 must have an adult guardian present.
If this event becomes full since space is limited and you see that registrations are no longer being accepted, please use the contact email below to add your name to the waitlist.
Contact: Water Center staff at vanwrec@cityofvancouver.us or 360-487-7111