Green Neighbors Program

The Clark County Green Neighbors Program is coordinated by Clark County Public Health’s Solid Waste and Environmental Outreach to assist citizens with developing more sustainable lifestyles and building a strong environmental community in Clark County. Solid waste regional planning and programs are a cooperative effort of Battle Ground, Camas, Clark County, La Center, Ridgefield, Vancouver, Washougal, and Yacolt.

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Contact Details

Call us
(360) 397-2121 x4352
Month Flat Week Day
Saturday, March 16, 2024 10:30 am - 12:00 pm
1 Hour, 30 Minutes

Do you often find yourself unsure about what items can be recycled? Here's your chance to get all your recycling questions answered! During this workshop, you will learn valuable tips on what can be recycled in your curbside bin and gain insights into the recycling process. Discover what happens to items after they are picked up and understand the importance of proper recycling practices. This session will also highlight how City of Vancouver residents can utilize the Organics cart to compost food waste. We will discuss the benefit of keeping food scraps out of the garbage, tips for sorting waste and learn what happens to food scraps at the commercial composting facility.

Don't miss this opportunity to increase your knowledge and contribute to a cleaner environment. Join our partners from the City of Vancouver, Waste Connections of Washington and Clark County Green Neighbors at the Cascade Park Library on Saturday, March 16th to learn how you can make a positive impact on the environment.

Event Details:

Date: Saturday, March 16 

Time: 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM 

Location: Cascade Park Library


We look forward to seeing you there!