Green Neighbors Program

The Clark County Green Neighbors Program is coordinated by Clark County Public Health’s Solid Waste and Environmental Outreach to assist citizens with developing more sustainable lifestyles and building a strong environmental community in Clark County. Solid waste regional planning and programs are a cooperative effort of Battle Ground, Camas, Clark County, La Center, Ridgefield, Vancouver, Washougal, and Yacolt.

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Green Blog

News about our community as it relates to the environment

RecycleU Workshops Back in Session


City of Vancouver and Clark County residents can sign up for free workshops to learn about our regional recycling systems, curbside composting through the Organics service and preventing food waste. These online classes are offered countywide through a partnership between Vancouver Solid Waste, Clark County Green Neighbors and Waste Connections of WA.

Clark County's Master Composter Recycler program also offers free workshops on backyard composting, worm bins, toxic-free cleaning and more. Click here to register for spring workshops.

Recycling 101

Learn the basics about what to recycle in your blue cart or dumpster and where items go after being picked up.

Organics 101

If you live within Vancouver or Ridgefield city limits, you can now add food scraps to your yard debris cart. 

Food Waste Prevention: Use Food Well

Reducing wasted food is good for the planet and your wallet! Pick up tips to combat food waste and minimize food spoilage.

Recycling 201

Go beyond the basics of recycling at home and learn about local recycling and reuse options for plastic bags, appliances, bulky items, household hazardous waste and more.

Recycling Facility Walking Tour

Join a walk-and-talk tour at the West Vancouver Materials Recovery Center. Email to schedule.

RecycleU Workshops

Visit the RecycleU webpage for more information.

Earn $120 for your Neighborhood Association!

By attending or viewing a workshop or taking a tour, your neighborhood association may be eligible for a $120 grant. This is available only to officially recognized neighborhood associations in the City of Vancouver and Clark County. Follow these steps to be eligible:

1. Attend an approved RecycleU or Master Composter Recycler workshop.
2. Share what you learned with your neighborhood:
  •  Use one of the pre-written articles or write your own. If you create your own, please have Solid Waste Services review it by contacting 360-487-7160 or email
  • Submit one (1) article to your neighborhood newsletter OR share two (2) postings on NextDoor.
3. Send copies of these postings or submissions to for your grant request to be processed. A check will be sent to your Neighborhood Association's Treasurer or designee.
Green Business Spotlight: LSW Architects
Green Business Spotlight: Columbia Okura