Anise Hyssop
- Scientific Name: Agastche foeniculum
- Garden: Wildlife Garden
- Plant Type: Herbaceous Perennials
- Evergreen/Deciduous: Deciduous
- Sun/Shade Exposure: Full Sun
- Moisture Requirements: Moist, Well-Drained
Plant Information
Agastache from north-central North America grows 18 in. to 4 ft. tall and 2 ft. wide with lilac-blue flowers. The foliage is anise, or licorice scented and used to make tea. This species is more tolerant of winter wet and cold than other species. It also blooms the first year when planted from seed and will reseed freely. Zones 8-10. Culture: Plant in full sun (at least 6hours) with well-drained soil. Varieties from Mexico and the Southwest US need excellent drainage. If tender, plant in a protected place. Maintenance: Dead-head old flowers for repeat blooming. Additional qualities: Attracts hummingbirds, bees, butterflies and other pollinators. Fragrant foliage. Some parts edible or used in tea. Drought tolerant. Deer resistant. Propagation: From seed or cuttings. Sow seeds in early spring when it is between 55-64 degrees F. Semi-ripe cut affected by downy mildew and few other fungal leaf diseases.
Data Source
www.portlandnursery.comPlant Photos